G11NToolKit Extensions Guide

Extensions Guide for the G11NToolKit.

How to Use Extensions

To use the extensions mechanism of the G11NToolKit all files associated with the extensions must be placed in sub-directories of the G11NToolKit extensions directory. This directory comes with some default files as place holders. Some of the files must be overridden with code for the extensions. Other files, like the readme.html files can be used for whatever purpose the user decides.

The easiest way to get started is to download the G11NToolKit distribution files that you need and unzip them into a base directory. The minimum you need are the G11NToolKit-1.2.0-bin.zip and G11NToolKit-1.2.0-ext.zip files. These contain all the executable files that are needed for the G11NToolKit. Unpacking the G11NToolKit-1.2.0-bin.zip file will create the bin, etc, L10NProcess, and lib directories. Unpacking the G11NToolKit-1.2.0-ext.zip file will create the extensions directory and all of its sub-directories. This split is intentional since the G11NToolKit-1.2.0-ext.zip file contains default files that will conflict with some of the extension files that a user would create. Unzipping the G11NToolKit-1.2.0-ext.zip file should be done with extreme care once extensions are added to the G11NToolKit for a particular installation.

The bin directory can contain any executable file that is needed for the extensions. This directory is not referenced in the G11NToolKit, it is provided as a convenience to the user.

The Doc directory can contain the documentation files for the extensions. There is a link in the G11NToolKit documentation navigation bar file to the extensions/Doc/index.html file. This file must be available in the Doc directory. A default version of index.html is provided in the G11NToolKit-1.2.0-ext.zip file. It should be replaced by a file that documents the extensions. The replacement file can contain any HTML coding to present the extensions documentation in any form the user desires. All files needed for the documentation of the extensions should be copied to the extensions/Doc directory or sub-directories so that they are easily accessible from the index.html file.

The etc directory should contain any helper files, such as XSLT files, that are needed by the extensions.

In the L10nProcess directory the L10NProcess-extensions.xml file is requried since it is referenced in the L10NProcess.xml file in the G11NToolKit. It contains targets that must be overriden to handle the extensions to the process. You can also import other Ant files in the L10NProcess-extensions.xml file as needed. File names, target names, and property names must not conflict with G11NToolKit names.

The targets that must be overridden are:

Must implement any extensions to the checkin target. This would include any special processing for a particular file type or source code control system.
Must implement any extensions to the clean target. This would be for any special file type or directory.
Must implement any extensions to the copysrctar target. This would be for any special file type or directory. copysrctar copies the source files into their target directories and file names but does not change the file content except where a class name is changed to match the target file name as required by Java.
Must implement any extensions to the detok target. This would be for any special file type or directory.
Must implement any extensions to the get target. This would be for any special file type or directory or for any special requirements of the source code control system..
Must implement any extensions to the init target. This would be for any properties required by the extensions.
Must implement any extensions to the tok target. This would be for any special file type or directory.

The lib directory contains any jar or zip file that may be neede in the path expression for the extensions. The lib directory is referenced in the path expression for the G11NToolKit. It includes any jar or zip file in the directory.

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How to Install Extensions

For illustrative purposes we will assume that you are installing the tool kit on a Windows machine, the directory you want to use for the G11NToolKit is named myG11NToolKit, and it will be placed in the root of the C drive on your machine. Of course, you can change the drive and directory name to anything you choose.

To Install the combination of the G11NToolKit and one extensions package on a Windows machine you will need to:

  1. Use whatever mechanism is appropriate for your version of Windows to set the G11NTOOLKIT-DIR environment variable. From the command line it would look like this:
    set G11NTOOLKIT-DIR=C:\myG11NToolKit
    It is recommended that you do not use the same directory where you will be doing G11NToolKit development work. We have had some conflicts doing this where the build file tries to delete a directory and fails because it is being used or was used and not released.
  2. Download the following files from the Files area at the G11NToolKit Project (these are the minimum number of files you must download, you can download more if you want)
    • G11NToolKit-1.2.0-bin.zip
    • G11NToolKit-1.2.0-doc.zip
    • G11NToolKit-1.2.0-ext.zip
  3. Unzip the files to C:\myG11NToolKit (or whatever directory you set as G11NTOOLKIT-DIR).
  4. Identify and locate the files needed for the extensions package.
  5. Copy these files into the appropriate directories under C:\myG11NToolKit\extensions directory. You will have files to place into some or all of the following directories:
    • C:\myG11NToolKit\extensions\bin
    • C:\myG11NToolKit\extensions\Doc
    • C:\myG11NToolKit\extensions\etc
    • C:\myG11NToolKit\extensions\L10NProcess
    • C:\myG11NToolKit\extensions\lib
  6. The G11NToolKit and the extensions package are now ready to use.
  7. Opening the C:\myG11NToolKit\Doc\index.html file will display the G11NToolKit documentation.
  8. Clicking on the "G11NToolKit Extensions Guide" link in the navigation bar will display the extensions package documentation (if any is provided).

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How to Test Extensions

Following the assumptions from the Install section do the following steps to test the extensions:

  1. Download the G11NToolKit-1.2.0-test.zip from the Files area the G11NToolKit Project (If you did this already you can skip it.)
  2. Unzip the file to C:\myG11NToolKit (or whatever directory you set as G11NTOOLKIT-DIR) (If you did this already you can skip it.)
  3. Identify and locate the test case files needed to test the extensions package.
  4. Make the C:\myG11NToolKit\test\ext directory.
  5. Copy the extensions test case files into the C:\myG11NToolKit\test\ext directory.
  6. Run both the G11NToolKit test cases and the extension test cases to verify that both the G11NToolKit and the extensions package are working properly.

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Sample Extensions

There are some samples of extensions in the G11NToolKit\Doc\ExtensionSamples. There are three examples included in the files: some extensions for using Perforce as the source code management system, an extension to handle a variation of XML files, and an extension to handle a variation of the Java ListResourceBundle file.

Perforce Extensions

In adding support for using the Perforce source code control system we need to consider several important things:

  • How to identify the key elements for Perforce
  • How to get files from Perforce
  • How to put files into Perforce

The key elements that are needed are the P4User, P4Client, P4Depot, and P4Port identifiers. The P4User, P4Client, and P4Depot identifies can vary for each user while the P4Port identifier will be the same for all users of the project.

To handle the user variables we create a user.properties file and add the Perforce identifiers to it. For the project level identifier we add this to the project.properties file.

To get files from Perforce requires some Ant tasks be added to the L10N Process files. To do this we create the file. In this file we add targets to synchronize the Perforce depot and copy the files from the depot to the project work area.

Putting files into Perforce is similar to getting files from Perforce. To do this we add some targets to the ExtSamp-p4tasks.xml file. These targets check to see if the target file already exists in the Perforce depot, and, if the file exists, issue the P4 Edit command, otherwise issue the P4 Add command. After the Perforce command is processed then the new target file is copied to the Perforce depot. When all the target files are processed a P4 Revert command is run for all unchanged files. This assures that only files that have been modified will be replaced on the Perforce server. It was decided that the user would be responsible for checking the change list and running the final P4 submit command to make sure the update is correct before committing it.

There is one last thing we need to make the Perforce extensions available. We need to add an import for the ExtSamp-p4tasks.xml file to the ExtSamp-tasks.xml file. If this is not added Ant will not be able to recognize our Perforce targets.

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XML File Extensions

In our example to handle a variation of XML files we need to translate the the value of the value attribute when the name attribute has a value of titles for any param element in the file. The source file is also created by applying an XSLT file to the source file.

Since we need to apply the XSLT file to the source file first we will need to modify the Ant target that tokenizes an XML file. We add the tokxm2files target to the ExtSamp-toktasks.xml file. We also need to make sure this target only runs for files of type xm2 so we limit it to processing only the projXLFileList_XM2 file list.

Another variation for these XML files is that we need to describe what to extract. This description is in the form of a regular expression and is included in a special properties file. The xm2.properties file is used for this purpose. We use the file type identifier as the file name so we can easily identify the file later. The file is then added to the tokxm2files target as the xmlprops parameter value.

Since an xm2 type file is a new file type we will need to provide a detokenizer for it also. There is no difference in the way an xm2 file is detokenized so we can just copy the detokxmlfile task and change the file type that is handled. We do this in the file. Here again we limit the target to processing only the projXLFileList_XM2 file list.

The project control file also needs a slight change to handle the xm2 file type. This is shown in the ExtSamp.slpd file. It is just a matter of adding a file entry for any xm2 type file that needs processing.

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Java ListResourceBundle File Extensions

Making an extension to handle the oddlrb type files is similar to making the extension for the xm2 type files with the added attraction that we need to actually write a tokenizer class to handle the parsing requirements.

We start by writing the tokenizer class that we will call TokODDListResourceBundle. We can subclass the TokListResourceBundle class and add the code needed to handle the parsing requirements. You can inspect the code to see how this was done.

Since we need the extended tokenizer class we need to execute it so we add the tokoddlrbfiles target to the ExtSamp-toktasks.xml file. We also need to make sure this target only runs for files of type oddlrb so we limit it to processing only the projXLFileList_ODDLRB file list.

Since an oddlrb type file is a new file type we will need to provide a detokenizer for it also. There is no difference in the way an oddlrb file is detokenized so we can just copy the detoklrbfile task and change the file type that is handled. We do this in the ExtSamp-detoktasks.xml file. Here again we limit the target to processing only the projXLFileList_ODDLRB file list.

The project control file also needs a slight change to handle the oddlrb file type. This is shown in the file. It is just a matter of adding a file entry for any oddlrb type file that needs processing.

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by Bill Rich